My First Last Day Of Highschool;
August 20, 2010My First Day Of School Outfit:
Wow! First off, I cannot believe I'm a Senior! It feels very surreal to me! I really never thought this day would get here! It feel like I've been waiting forever! Now, it's time to start applying for colleges and scholarships and thinking about what's the most practical dream to pursure. It's time to get a job, make a driving a necessity, and to explore all the things we love. It's time to be the biggest in the halls, the most knowledgeable, to be the loudest at the pep rallies, and first people in the student section. Whenever I imagined Senior Year, I pictured something different...but nevertheless...this year will be a blast. I just wish I would've taken more pictures! Here's my story:
I went to bed late. I had tidied up my room, taken a shower, laid out an outfit, put off packing my bag til 11, made ridiculously cute binder covers plastered with 'Senior Swag' and tre amazing pictures of me and my best friends. I had purchased a new book to tire me out and updated my Ipod just for this sleeping occasion. I knew I needed to go to bed early if I was even going to have a chance in the morning. Everything was going perfectly up until on the floor beside my bed I spotted a HUGE brown house spider scurrying along the wall. I HATE spiders so naturally I freaked out. I hurried to get a flipflop but he was much too fast and disappeared in the heap of clothes I left on the ground by my bed.
Frustrated and panicked I snatched up two pillows and headed for the living room. I dont like even the idea of sleeping where spiders are near. Usually if I see a spider in my room and I don't manage to kill it, I typically sleep on the couch for almost a week until I check around my room and I'm sure it's ventured elsewhere. I stayed up til one, my new book fascinating but unable to tire me out enough to go to sleep.
Finally, I got some shut eye. I woke up about 6:30 and stumbled to my room to do my make-up. I put on my first day of school outfit, perfected my hair and make-up, got into the typical morning fight with my mother, took a picture, and headed out the door extremely tired but ready for the day. I went to school and met my bestfriends. It was hot, even for the morning and I instantly began regretting my choice of skinny jeans!
I found my first class with no trouble at all. I have College Alegbra in the morning. In there, I feel remotely like an outcast. Two tables full of the would be populars and another table full of obscene geeks. Nevertheless, I'm sort of freaked out about college algebra. Math is not my strong suit and there is no homework grades to pad my grade seeing as my whole grade will be based off of tests and quizzes alone (YIKES!). Welcome to college, I guess. I will also have to purchase my own book, so I guess I better get on Amazon pretty quick now!
Next, is Geometry. I REALLY felt out of place in there. I took Pre-Ap Geometry in the 9th grade and made a C one semester. My counselor said that I should probably retake that semester and pull my grade up so as to raise my GPA so I can graduate with honors. I'm a Senior in a sea of 10th graders (who probably think I'm stupid even though I've taken math classes harder than they've even thought of attempting yet). That class is going to be SUCH a breeze! I literally feel as if I'm sitting in a first grade class. Ahhh, sigh.
Third is Painting/Drawing. I've had the teacher before. It was a good way to unwind from all that math! It's too bad that I'll have to wait until second semester before I get to use the oil paints (one of my favorites!). Next, was lunch which by the way I have with NONE of my friends. Out of Callie, Tami, Katelyn, Andre, & Logs I have lunch with absolutely none of them! This makes me terribly sad since I don't get to see them all day! I'm going to miss out on all the fun whilst being a total loner during my first lunch. Thank gawd for my friend Heather!
Fourth, is Web Design II. Due to this class, I have lunch with none of my friends but I wouldn't dare try to get my schedule changed because: I've had the teacher, the class is completely easy, and he♥ is in the there. Yes, the boy that has me so smitten just happens to sit next to me! He's looking better than ever after the summer and I'm starting to remember why I used to like him so much! I liked him last year briefly but soon quit. Now, I'm back at it again. I'm convinced we'd made a splendid pair. I get up in the mornings, living for 4th period ♥
Fifth, is the same as last year: Graphic Design. Same teacher, same nonesense, and same good grade! Sixth is AP Lit which is not particularly hard at all but I can tell the course load is going to be terribly consuming. The first night we had to write an essay about an object that symbolizes us, today we presented (I HATE public speaking of any sort with a passion!), and this weekend we're set to read this packet and email her our outlines. See, not difficult, just time consuming. Finally, seventh is AP Chem. This is the only class I have with Callie, but in all honesty, science bores me. It goes over my head so easily. I really should've dropped my science and taken AP Euro instead! I can tell that this is going to be my toughest class by far. The teacher is amazing but the subject matter is subject to kick my ass! Plus, in the spring I'll be missing 7th a LOT for softball which won't help. I will definitely struggle to keep a B in there I can tell! I'm going to give it nine weeks and then see about dropping. Hmmm.
It was so weird being a Senior. I knew where everything was. There were so many unfamiliar faces in the crowd. I managed not to spill a thing on my white shirt, text Callie (secretly) throughout the day, & find all my classes with ease. I directed younglings to the bathrooms, gave them the scoop on some of the classes they chose to take, and got plenty of 'Oohs and Awhhs' from the Sophomores in my Geometry class. Ahaha! If anything it felt like a continuation of Junior Year (I really wish it would've been). At the end of the day I had a massive headache, a undeniable nagging feeling that I missed my little brother all day, and I was sooo tired! Anyways, I'm trying to do my best to make this year amazing and resist the urge to not use the line 'I'm a Senior' for everything (ex: 'Get out of my way, I'm a Senior!' or 'I don't have to put up with this, I'm a Senior!' or 'But...I'm a Senior').
Seniors 2011 (:
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