Family Film Fridays;

August 26, 2011

Family Film Fridays consist of vintage photographs pulled from my family albums to share with you all. Each and everyone of them tells a story. I look fondly back at these pictures and long to go back to times and places where my relatives once tread. This week I thought it only fair to introduce my grandparents (on my father's side).

Glenn Springer (aka Dugan) and Miyoko Nakamura (aka Miyo or Mama Miyo)

The first picture is one of my grandfather. He's stationed at the Hunter Air Force Base in 1958. My grandfather was in the Air Force for a long time. I'm not entirely sure how my grandfather and grandmother met, but I'm intrigued and hope to figure it out one day. The second picture is my grandmother who is full blooded Japanese (meaning my Dad is half and I'm one fourth). I'm not entirely sure where or when this picture was taken, but I do know that it's stunning. The dress she's wearing is magical and she's just so pretty.

The very last picture of my grandmother is probably my favorite one of all time. There is something so effortless, timeless, and classic about how happy and active this shot is. I wonder what she was doing and where she is. I love it though.

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  1. I love vintage photos, these are wonderful! :)

    <3 Kelly


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