State Pride;

August 08, 2011

{1, 2, 3, 4, & 5}

I've been swelling with state pride lately! I don't know if it's because I'm about to attend college at The University of Arkansas or what, but I've been feeling some major state love lately!  Here are some cute etsy Arkansas related finds that make my heart go pitter-patter. 

Also, I've been trying to really look into local products, etsy sellers, and farmer's markets. I didn't know how many talented local sellers (of all sorts) there are out there! Eek! I'm already so excited to head out to the Farmer's Market up in Fayetteville! I've been an Arkansas and southern girl my whole life and though most of the time my friends and I are talking about getting out and doing bigger and better things (isn't that everywhere though?), there are somethings you can't find anywhere but home. 

What state do you have major love for and what's your favorite thing about it? Do you shop local (and if you do, what's the best discovery you've made thus far)?

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  1. Aw, Arkansas. My grandparents used to live there and I spent many summers there.

  2. I adore farmer's markets. It's so much better to buy food there.


  3. I love the last painting and that cheeseboard! I don't really have a favorite state? I'm on the search for a place to live, so maybe I'll have a new favorite soon!

    <3 Kelly

  4. What great paintings of Arkansas! It's never looked better, haha. I live right around the corner in Memphis.

    PS I've been stalking your blog for the past hour so I think I have to follow you now. :)

  5. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog <3
    I have CRAZY state pride, but then again I live in Texas and we are all prideful about our state. I a post about it.

  6. So gorgeous! <3 The hearts are oh-so darling!

    Lost in the Haze


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