Offline Loves/Hates;
October 02, 2011(finding silly pictures of Jack & I from summer is definitely a love! I miss him so stinkin' much!)
Love: thrift shopping, exploring town, Bikes, Blues, & BBQ's, hummus with the roommates, oversized shirts, laying in bed all day, being so comfortable, not feeling self conscious, managing to write a paper in six hours after a night out, water-melon bust, getting closer with my sorority sisters, feeling attractive, last minute going out, meeting new people, cupcake stops and Zaxby runs, heart-to-hearts, Camel Crushes, clean living rooms, rearranging my dorm room and having it feel so much bigger/cozier, crochet hats for Jack, browsing for togas, a big football win, knowing fall break is only 2 weeks away and the amazing way the weekend feels.
Hate: feeling lazy/unproductive, dreadingand stressing over papers/assignments/projects/tests/grades, the time wasted watching a crappy movie on netflix, feeling fat after 3 cupcakes, taking out the trash, losing my lighter and a couple $ because my wallet unzipped, moody roommates, saying "I swear he was way cuter last night!," feeling like a failure, tiffs, thinking about ex-bestfriends, slacking on blogging, blisters and sore feet, walking everywhere, the fact that everything shuts down early and opens late on the weekends, and how fast the weekend flys by in general.
What are some offline loves and hates in your life lately?
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