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May 08, 2012Hey lovelies! As you're reading this, I'm probably trying to frantically pack up the odds and ends of my remaining things at college so that I can move out. Yes, today is the big move out day! I am no longer a college freshman and I'm not sure if I should celebrate or be sad, quite honestly. I'm going to miss so much about being at college. I've made some amazing friends here and gained so many beautiful, wonderful sisters that I'll miss with everything I have. I'll miss our college town and the life that I've carefully created for myself here.
However, I'm hoping to make this summer one filled with productivity and quality sibling time. One of the worst parts about being away at college is not getting to spend near enough time with little Jack. I miss him so much, so I fully intend on taking advantage of the long summer days to spend lots and lots of time with him.
That is why I bring to you my newest upcoming feature! Brother + Sister Style. Jack and I will be documenting our play and adventures along with our summer style each and every week. We'll be sharing lots and lots more as well, so we hope you'll stay tuned.
I always love starting a style series in the summer. Sometimes it's the pure motivation I need to get dressed up during the summer. Also, I'll have so much more time to devote to picture taking nonsense now that college isn't distracting me. Haha! This summer I'm hoping to work on finding self improvement and savoring the now. I'm going to be working on being actively present in my life and enjoying the contentment I can find in that. Here's to old friends, new bonfires, and going back home...at least for a little while.
Also, please bare with me as I move a few things around the blog. I am of one of those people who needs a change every now and again, so I'm tweaking a few things here and there!
What are your summer plans?
I value each and every comment. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to leave one!