Bon Voyage Google Reader // Ways to Follow Dearie Lovie

June 30, 2013

If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard, Google Reader is closing it's doors July 1st, 2013. That's tomorrow y'all! If you haven't already, you can easily transfer your Google Reader list to other readers like Bloglovin and Feedly. Here's a little breakdown of my experience with the two and links so that you can easily follow Dearie Lovie in whatever way that suits you best!

I personally use Bloglovin (and have for about two years now), and like it really really well. You can easily import your Google Reader list by clicking here. It's pretty intuitive to navigate. You can add and organize blogs with ease. The normal display shows a picture (you can choose small or large images) and a the beginning of the post you're about to read. Once you click on it, the post will open in a new tab on the actual blog in which it was written. You can favorite posts with ease with the aid of a toolbar, as well. It's a great place to start for those making the Google Reader transfer because of it's simplicity and straightforwardness.

Follow Dearie Lovie on Bloglovin here!

Initially when I heard about Feedly, I brushed it off. I read reviews that were good, but everyone kept coming to the same consensus that they liked Bloglovin better. So, I never gave it a try until now. I've come to the consensus that I like Feedly. You can easily import your Google Reader list on the homepage. It's fast and sleek with several options for viewing posts (that is my favorite part). You can view them in list view, magazine view, card view, or read the full article right in Feedly without having to go elsewhere. You can save posts that you like and have a lot of control over which posts get shown. You can also categorize blogs how you please. However, it is much less intuitive (or at least it was for me, it took some exploring to get used to it). Feedly is perfect for someone who is less into frills and more into a simple interface with lots of options/control.

Follow Dearie Lovie on Feedly here!

If you love Tumblr, then this may be a great option for you! I've started a Dearie Lovie Tumblr that updates much like a reader. I have links to each days posts (and sometimes previews for upcoming posts a night or day beforehand), extra photos/commentary that may not make it into posts, and just lovely things from my personal life or around the web that are related to Dearie Lovie. Though it will be updated daily, it won't clog up your Tumblr feed. Promise! It's a great extra option for those devoted Tumblr users.

Follow Dearie Lovie on Tumblr here!

Happy switching!

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Everything (content and copy) is the property of Ashlee and/or DearieLovie unless otherwise linked or noted. If you see something belonging to you without proper documentation, email me and I will be happy to resolve the issue. I encourage you to actively share any part of Dearie Lovie, just remember to provide proper links and credit when and where appropriate. Copyright 2011-2016.
