Ways I've Procrastinated (This Week)
May 06, 2014I have two finals today and two more on Thursday. I'm so close to being done and I cannot wait until that moment comes where I hand in that last final exam and book it straight out of my college town for a three day weekend (before starting summer classes...ugh). On one hand I'm excited to be through with this semester (which has been one of my busiest/hardest to date) and on the other hand I'm mildly disgusted that I'll be a senior in college. Where did all the time go?! I'm feeling old over here. Sigh.
On a different note though, I thought I'd share some ways (some mundane and some totally ridiculous) that I've been doing to subconsciously avoid studying. Welcome to my past week of procrastination, in list form:
- Wrote this blog post
- Watched an entire half season of Vampire Diaries (because it's not like I haven't seen it before)
- Played on the Greek God app for hours on end
- Napped (and by napped, I mean like 4 hours at a time)
- Went to the gym for a 3 mile cardio session on the elliptical
- Spent too much time on Thought Catalog
- Ate all the meals and snacks available to me
- Sent out "Good luck on finals, you'll do great!" texts to people in hopes that it will bring me my own good karma for finals week
- Went to Sonic with a friend and proceeded to talk for an hour
- Began packing up my things so I can move out
- Showered for an excessive amount of time, because when is there a better time to shave my legs, do a face mask, and deep condition my hair all in one sitting?
- Finally got around to doing laundry
- Decided to re-watch all the trailers for The Fault in Our Stars and 22 Jump Street
- Also, the trailer for Like Crazy (which I've seen and has been out for two years)
- AND find the soundtrack on Spotify
- Went for a walk outside because the weather is gorgeous and being inside feels like torture
- Amused myself by reading Yik Yak, where every other person on this campus is procrastinating/talking about how finals studying is going
- Called my Dad
- Filmed my first vlog (will be in tomorrow's post)
- Made a to-do list and started brainstorming other lists
- Facebook creeped on at least 3 people I don't actually care about at all
- Spent too much time on Tumblr collecting gifs to use in the future
So, to end this post off right with a gif from previously mentioned procrastination time, here's how I'm feeling so far about finals week/end of junior year:

I am so with you on spending too much time on tumblr...it's addictive!
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