He's Such A Big Boy Now!;
September 12, 2010
Jack is getting so big so fast! He's almost fourteen months! Where does the time go? He's a challenge everyday! He's got nearly sixteen teeth. His best-friend is typically whoever will give him the most attention but secretly it's our dog Spot. Jack is so smart! His vocab consists of the words: mom, spot (or pot-pot), dad, ash, ohhh, & yeah. He knows how to kiss and hug when asked and just when he's bein' sweet (which is hardly ever!). He is quite demanding! He's thinning out and getting taller. He knows how to suck through a straw, stand on his tippy-toes, open cabinets and drawers, run, walk, & point to something he wants. He laughs a lot and is such an incrediably happy baby whenever he gets his way. He loves being chased around the living room (especially at nights whenever he crawls off the bed because he doesn't want to sleep) but he can play by himself without a problem. He knows how to throw a ball and he's quit mischevious! He's always into something! He lives for compliments (I used, "You're such a cutie!" before I snapped his pictures above!) and he shakes his fists and yells whenever he's mad. He hates being told 'no' and when people leave the room. Life is hard with him. Sharing is hard. He's obnoxious, demanding, whiney and is definitely testing the waters with everything he does. I'm glad he's in my life though. I love my little 'Buddha' more than almost anyone in the whole world. He's so bright and I'm thankful I get to cuddle everyday with my AppleJack (:
Love, Love
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