Family Film Fridays;

September 16, 2011

June 25, 1962

I don't know much about this picture. I do know it was taken at a birthday party. Look at those cars in the background. Swoon, right? I love how this picture captures youth. Open fields, friends, little vintage dresses, and over sized sunglasses. Some thing are timeless.

 Glenn D. Springer 1962

My grandfather in 1962. I'm not entirely sure where he's going or who took it, but I love the car he's driving off in. I can't really read his expression. Was he caught off guard, annoyed, sad? Not sure. Do love this shot though.

Feel free to do your own Family Film Friday and link in the comments! The best kind of vintage photos are ones of your own family members! 

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  1. These pictures are adorable! Wish I had some like this of my family.

  2. The photograph of your granddad is amazing! What a car; wow! <3

    Lost in the Haze


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