Maintain a 3.0. DONE.
December 20, 2012
I am SO happy to say that I've marked this particular goal off of my 40by20 list! When I came to college my freshmen year I came in as someone who has always been very academically inclined. I took advanced courses in high school and graduated with a high GPA and honors (not to mention I played a sport, was in a variety of clubs/honor societies, etc). I thought college would be a breeze. I was in a for a bit of a rude awakening however. My first semester of college I made straight B's resulting in a 3.0. I was totally shocked. The spring semester was rougher on so many levels and I fell way below the mark. I was removed from the honors college only one year in.
Since then, I knew I had to step it up and it's been something I've been really working at! I am so happy to say that hard work has paid off! I received a 3.625 for this fall semester, which brought my overall GPA back up past a 3.0! Hooray for accomplishing the big goals and here is to continuing to challenge myself and push my GPA to even higher places!
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