Lust Worthy - Jam Session Wedges

June 15, 2013

Happy Saturday y'all. 

I just wanted to share with you my most recent shoe obsession. Since I'm not much of shoe gal, true shoe obsessions are few and far between for me. Here was the last shoe I was obsessed over and eventually bought. For the past month I've been lusting after these Chinese Laundry Jam Session Wedges since they debuted in one of my favorite boutiques. This bootie meets wedge is darling for any season and both colors are on point. The second these babies come down into my price range, I must must must own them. Oh my goodness.

What are you lusting after lately?

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  1. Those are gorgeous! Fashion wise, I'm lusting over pretty breezy shirts, in white with accents that include splashes of color. Perfect for Summer!

  2. wow I am so much loving those wedges, they're fabulous!

    Drawing Dreaming


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