A Walk Around - The Art Building

September 09, 2013

It's that time of year again. It's September (how did that even happen?) and it's back to study grind. There are far too many days spent trying to coordinate schedules, remember times for the dark room and computer labs, submit tests and quizzes before midnight, and still find a way to go out with friends, make it to the gym, and have personal time. It's back to trying to find 'balance,' but I'd it's a pretty awesome, albeit at times frustrating, pursuit.

I thought I would start a new series here on the blog entitled "A Walk Around" because ever since freshman year, I've loved taking everyday life pictures as I wander around either to or from class, in the art building, on campus, etc. Also, this semester I'm taking Photography I, so I'm really trying to hone in my creative eye to everyday moments worthy of being photographed.

For our first walk around, I've selected the art building. It's been shown and talked about many a time on the blog, but only because it's my second home on this campus. I have spent too many hours for class and studio time to count in this building. You'd think I'd get tired of seeing the same three floors white cinderblock walls, but every semester I come back and am just as inspired as the first time I wandered nervously through the doors as new freshman art major.

Every little thing in this building is homey and inspiring to me like the beat up lockers, charcoal self portraits hanging on the walls, paint ridden tables, and pristine white Macs. It's an eclectic mix of classes, objects, and people that never fails to disappoint.

What is a place you frequent or a place that inspired you?

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