A Walk Around The Library
September 17, 2013The other day I got a nice hour break from my Photography I class and took the opportunity to take a little jaunt around the university library. It was raining and everything was that special kind of fresh and green. It was damp and muggy, but there was the distinct transitional chill in the air that signaled the sure of end of summer and the slow descent into fall. Magical, I tell you.
I chose to make this weeks 'A Walk Around' post centered in the library, because as we all know the library is the central hub of any campus. Every walk of life fills the library from morning until close. There is every kind of student, and it houses all of the best things - stories, maps, and knowledge. In addition to that, I spend more than enough of my fair share of time exploring those three floors of computers, reading rooms, study nooks, and rows and rows of books.
Every afternoon I struggle to find a computer so that I can print off reviews and assignments and every Sunday I meet a group to discuss a semester BFound project. It was the place I bonded with my new friends/sorority sisters during freshman year finals as we clicked away on our laptops and reassured each other of our own academic worth as we struggled on little to no sleep. It was also the place we got kicked out of sophomore year after having an entire pizza delivered.
It's a maze of desks, books, and nooks - but it's a beautiful maze. There are so many quiet corners and places to quietly explore. Last year I discovered that we had a 'Special Collections' room on the first floor that housed rare books and original/primary source documents that get used by professors from around the country for their own personal academic research work. We got to see some amazing books, like a first edition of Darwin's The Origin of Species. How cool is that? Also, there are some amazing rooms focusing on Arkansas history and subjects like Architecture. So, truly, there are always new things to discover in the library.
Last week I took a walk around the art building, you can click here to view!
What's a place you frequent these days?
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