Letters V.4
September 15, 2013Dear September, where did you go? It felt like it was just yesterday that my friend Abby wrote this lovely and inspiring and post about you. It's only a matter of time before it's October, then November, Christmas, and the a new year entirely. The days are passing so quickly and we're already almost a month into school. Things are busy and life can seem like a long list of to-dos, but this only makes the down time that much sweeter. Also, I can tell we're slowly but surely creeping into fall - those chilly mornings make me so excited for boot and PSL (pumpkin spice latte) season.
Dear Jack, I miss you more than I could ever put in to words. I wish I could spend all my days with you, but I know you understand that if I didn't have to be away from you then I wouldn't. Sometimes I'm angry that we were born so far apart because I feel like I miss out on so much, but a lot of the times I'm thankful because we have such a great relationship and I get to appreciate it so much more. I love seeing you on Facebook and having mom and dad send cute photos and videos of you. Seeing you two weekends ago was exactly what I needed. I just bought a ton of cards and am so excited to send you a little love in the mail this week. You're my favorite and don't you forget it.
Dear Photography I, you're a challenge. I'm continually learning and I just got my camera in. The idea of shooting on film and spending time developing in the dark room sounds so romantic and creative. However, it can actually be really frustrating and crowded. Sometimes I feel like I'm just stumbling around and crossing my fingers. I am happy that my essay for this class introduced me to the book The Americans by Robert Frank. Also, I'm learning so much about light - more than I ever thought I needed to know.
Dear Wedges, you're gorgeous and look fabulous with almost everything. I'm even starting to break you in a little more. However, after a night out I don't appreciate my feet being numb the next morning. Get it together.
Dear Sorority House, I'm glad that I chose to live in you. I'm honestly happy. There are endless amounts of clothes to borrow, always a friend to make late night food/Sonic runs with, and just a general joy being surrounded by your core friendship group. I never feel out of the loop and being on campus is so convenient. I'm feeling so in sync with this portion of my life, despite whatever minor challenges arise.
Dear Mall, thanks for having the best sale this past weekend. I got two pairs of shorts and a pair of navy harem pants for twenty dollars. In addition, I was able to stock up on some fall shirts and frankly I'm so excited to rock cobalt blue! Oh, and I got the cutest little dress for fall that I'm excited to try with booties and tights. I love being able to splurge on some new pieces every once and awhile.
Dear Netflix, thanks for having Daydream Nation - it was the one movie I wanted to see yesterday. If you've never watched it, I definitely recommend it.
If you'd like to read previously written letters you can find versions 1, 2, and 3 here. These posts are expired by Abby over at A Geek Tragedy.
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