Weekly Wishes .014

May 19, 2014

(my celebratory "end of finals" margarita from two weeks ago)

This Week's Wishes
  1. Outline Goals for the Summer: This week will signal the end of my intersession course and summer will truly start for me. I need to start outlining some goals (both fun and serious) to accomplish over these next two months. Let's break out the pen and paper!
  2. Stay On Top of Schoolwork: Just reminding myself not to lose steam this last week of classes no matter how tempting! No procrastinating. No getting behind this close to the end. I can totally do this. 
  3. Write: I have been slacking on writing for personal enjoyment (although I have been writing a 1-2 page summary every night for class). I need to journal and work on some personal writing projects for fun. I've been slacking!
  4. Do a Face Mask for Fun: I'd love to buy a fun scented face mask and do one once I finish my intersession class. It will be a treat to myself that I can't wait to enjoy! Here's to summer and smaller pores. Total win!
What are your goals/wishes this week? Let me know!
The Nectar Collective

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  1. Hey just found your blog on the WW link up! I love face masks although I don't do them enough. My friend swears by one at this store called Lush and it's basically oatmeal and egg, but it makes my face feel so so soft afterwards :)

  2. Hooray for SUMMER!!!! You got thissss


  3. Interested in the face mask! If you do get one/make one, share with us :) Always looking for a good one!! Good luck with your weekly wishes


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