Weekly Wishes .019

September 15, 2014

(I've got to be fearless this week!)

This Week's Wishes
  • Get a library card: I love reading. What I don't love? The price tag that comes with buying a physical book. I don't know why it hasn't hit me before now to get a library card. They're free for university students, so it's a win-win. No cost for me and an unlimited amount of books to read. I'm excited!
  • Get on top of my academic workload: I have two exams, two projects, one report, one workshop, and one quiz this week. It's safe to say this week is going to be a busy one. It's time to get on top of and stay on top of things! 
  • Workout 3x: I've been slacking hard core on the workout front. Thankfully, my friend Jenny asked if I'd like to start working out with her. With a friend by my side to keep me motivated, it should make getting to the gym and getting a real workout in a tad easier.
  • Shoot something on my film camera: It's been awhile since I brought out my film camera. I loved that camera so much and I loved learning all the ins and outs of shooting and developing film. I found one roll of surplus film I had stashed away with it. I've got 24 shots and a whole semester. I'm feeling a project coming on.
  • Be fearless and apply: This goes for a graphic design internship at my dream company and an art history scholarship. I need to quit second guessing myself and just apply already!

What are your goals/wishes for this week? P.S. - How was your weekend?
The Nectar Collective

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  1. Angela Wiebe9/15/2014

    Good luck applying for jobs! I wish you all the best and that you get what you are looking for! It won't be scary after you do it! Library cards are awesome, and definitely something I should look into! Sometimes they just seem soo far away.

  2. Vanessa Eugine9/15/2014

    Oh man, I dislike whenever all projects/reports/tests are all on the same week! Good luck with your wishes this week :)

  3. oh applying is such a hard part - well actually the hard part is just getting to it and stop making excuses for ourselves! I'm so terribly guilty of that like 'oh i won't get it so it's pointless to apply', etc. There is nothing to lose in applying (except a little bit of time!). Good luck!

  4. getting a library card, so much free books to be read in your future! I enjoy having a library card, I used it a lot this summer. Good luck with time management for your school workload and adding workouts to her schedule, doing it with a friends should help. I look forward to seeing the film project that you create with your film camera. Having fun projects like that is a stress reliever when you have a heavy school workload. :)


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