Finals Week By The #'s
December 17, 2014I did a post similar to this one in the spring. Here's how finals week by the numbers is shaping up this semester!
-13277817238047 - my level of cares right now
0 - number of available seats in the library
1 - the number of finals I have every day of finals week
2 - number of research papers due before finals week even began
3 - # of pens I've gone through already
3 - average # of Snapchats a day I get from friends who are already home from finals and bored
4 - number of finals I have total
6 - how many scantrons come in a pack (even if you only need one)
25 - days of Christmas Break I have to look forward to
35 - dollars of printer allowance I've used up this semester
60 - # of hours until I get to go home
100 - grade I hope I'll make on every final I take
120 - minutes allotted for each final
170 - number of tissues I've gone through while studying (because I'm currently sick)
Happy Studying!
We're almost there! I had 7 finals this week (en français) and only two more to go! So close!!!
Zoe | La Vie en Zoe
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