Currently - September

September 15, 2015

It's definitely been a minute since I've put a good ole fashion picture of me to go along with a post and it's definitely been a good minute since I've used Photobooth to do my picture taking. Maybe freshman year of college? Either way, here I am, in all my non-photoshopped grainy glory.

I thought It'd ease us back into things after by sharing what's currently on my mind.

Eating: Hmmm...I suppose my eating has been rather uninspired lately as I've gotten into a rut of eating most of the same meals over and over again. I have a yogurt every morning for breakfast and I usually take a salad or sandwich to work with an accompanying tupperware full of fruit to snack on. Dinner has been lots of food prepped on the grill and go-to recipes like tortilla soup + quesadillas, stuffed peppers, hamburgers/hot dogs, pesto alfredo shell pasta, and grilled chicken + veggies. However, I have been eating lots of grapes and making lots of batches of homemade french fries lately. They're so easy to make and so yummy! It's just a couple of potatoes cut into match sticks, olive oil, salt/pepper/garlic powder/paprika, and roughly 25 minutes in the oven on 415. If you've got 30 minutes total, you can definitely make baked fries!

Watching: My boyfriend finally pulled me in to watching his favorite show of all time, Lost, on Netflix. We're in the beginning of season 2 and I'm truly enjoying it. We're getting through at least one, sometimes two, episodes a night and we're doubling that on weekends. It's his third time through, but my first. I thought I would really dislike it - so many characters, too many plot lines, the annoyingly cliche "stranded on an island" motif! However, I find myself enjoying more and more especially now that we're further in. I'm also somehow squeezing in Gossip Girl episodes again. I'm smack dab in the middle of season 2 on what has to be my fourth or fifth time through the series. It never gets old for me and I'm enjoying it quite a bit (however, how in the world did I forget how annoying Jenny Humphrey is?). Blake Lively is my ultimate girl crush. Can't stop the style/makeup/hair envy!

Reading: I've been needing to read more 'for fun' lately. Somehow it has fallen off the priority list and it needs to get back on. The last book I listened to on audible about a month ago was Blackout by Sarah Hepola. I highly recommend if you're into semi-dark comedy, gritty memoirs, and/or addiction stories. It was gripping to listen to and I was left wanting more by the end. I'm open to book suggestions. Have you read or listened to anything good lately?

Listening To: Peaches by In The Valley Below, Monsters by Hurricane Bells, You're Still a Mystery by Bleachers, and Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. It's been kind of all over the place and I've definitely been listening to a lot, but these in particular have stood out as being played quite frequently.

Wearing: All the fall things! I may not have officially busted out my favorite pair of nearly-knee-high Frye boots yet, but I may have caved and started buying fall clothes and wearing my favorite pair of suede booties again. I'm swathing myself in navy, gray, and raspberry/maroon goodness just biding my time until it's time for chunky sweaters and double layers. I love this transition time. It's been fun to navigate transitional fashion. Day dresses suddenly paired with boots and a chambray shirt feels just right. Golden eyes and mauves, reds, and berry lips already have my heart for this upcoming season.

Feeling: I've been feeling really inspired! I've been wanting to paint, decorate, and nest. Maybe it's because fall always feels like such a cozy, homey time of year. I want to light every caramel and sugar cookie scented candle in sight (I have three caramel and three vanilla/sugar cookie...whoops) and watch college football on Saturdays. I want to open the windows and use the crock-pot and fill the walls up in our home with art. I want to make the bed and enjoy the last breath or summer and the first breath of fall. Soon it will be time for all pumpkin everything and jackets galore, but until then, I just want to enjoy this moment with it's hot days and cool nights and endless promise.

Anticipating: Seeing my family again, cold weather, more blogging, seriously decorating the apartment because it looks like we'll be there a bit longer than we thought, trying new beauty products, the return of all my favorite TV shows (Vampire Diaries! American Horror Story!), and just so many good things.

Loving: Champagne Pop Highlighter (I just bought it and am safely in love), 52 Lists Project book (it's next on my to-purchase list), Pinning like a mad woman, watching youtube beauty tutorials (will share my favorites soon!), Summer Boardwalk candle from Bath and Body Works, and Monday download freedbies from Creative Market.

What are you up to currently?

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