Lustworthy - The Object Enthusiast

September 19, 2015

First things first, happy Saturday! It's been a long week, but hey, we made it! I'm so excited to be bringing back this 'Lustworthy' feature. It never truly died, but somehow fell to the back burner and then perpetually off of my radar until last week when I was searching through some of my more popular posts. I talked extensively each weekend about something I was 'lusting' over whether it be a good pair of shoes or something like temporary tattoos

Lately, I've been lusting over The Object Enthusiast. I originally discovered The Object Enthusiast through instagram. Her gorgeous snaps of handmade pottery, dish ware, and home goods was the stuff of dreams. From vases to ring dishes to plates, there just wasn't one piece I didn't love. In fact, she made me want to go back to art school and retake a few ceramic classes. Why did I blow off 3D and sculpture classes? Why?!

Above, I've outlined some of my favorite picks from her Etsy shop. Somewhere circa around 2011-2012 I decided gold was going to be one of my colors, so nearly all her gold accented pieces speak to me. The first item on my agenda to eventually acquire are one (or maybe all) of her impeccably fun pint-sized ring dishes. Every piece just screams, "I am both pretty and essential!" and I'm totally okay with that. 

Here are the details:

Also Two Articles:

What have you been lusting after lately? Let me know!

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