Can You Guess...?;

July 30, 2011



My bedding woes are now over! Repeat: MY BEDDING WOES ARE NOW OVER! WHOO-HOO! I went and purchased my bedding yesterday and I couldn't be more thrilled with my final decision. The four featured above were all finalists in 'The Great Bedding Debate'. I liked #1 because it looked so mature to me. I'm in love with navy and gray, so this bedding caught my eye instantly. I loved #2 because of how whimsical and bright it was. Plus it would easily match any room accessories I picked out. As far as #3, I could just picture myself waking up under that duvet cover. It was soft and feminine, yet had this bohemian feel to it. Lastly, #4 looked so cozy and warm. I grew up with a quilt, so quilts automatically have a special place in my heart. I loved the gray as well!

So, can you guess which one of these four I chose for my bedding? Which one is your favorite? Which one would you have chosen for yourself?

I'll share my decision very soon!

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  1. Oh my gosh these are all so lovely. I'm loving two and four, but you can do no wrong with any of these!

  2. I love 3 & 4! Which one did you choose??

  3. Loveee all of them! So cute <3



  4. I'm gonna have to go with #4. Only because I love that one! ; )

  5. Number 2 is my favorite, hands down! I love the cream plus all the bright beautiful colors. Can't wait to find out which one you picked! :)

  6. I love them all but I think #3 is my favorite! And I'd say you chose #2... can't wait to know if I'm right!

  7. They're all so pretty - but I particularly love #2.


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