Obsessed: Urban Outfitter's Fall Look Book;

September 12, 2011

I've been slowly gathering my fall inspiration for the past few days. I'm slipping into fall like an old pair of jeans and am ready for the cooler days to get here. While searching for some new autumn duds, I stumbled across Urban Outfitter's Fall Look Book and fell in love. Look how gorge:

I love how these pictures capture the glorious in between that fall is. They capture jackets with skirts. It's cool, but not cold. I find it lovely. It also feels more like I'm peering in on some camping trip my friends took versus a Look Book. Unexpected, but totally amazing fall inspiration. I would love to get my hands on the floral tights from #4, those amazing glasses from #5, that bright red bag from #8, and that sassy blue jacket from #10!

Which pictures are your favorite? What pieces are you dying to rock for fall? 

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