Sunday is For...

September 25, 2011

I know I usually post Pretty! Pretty! things on Sunday. I am a firm believer that spreading joy and pretty things about the internet should be encouraged and the things that are posted/shared definitely act as visual tools for starting my week off right.

However, this Sunday, I thought I'd focus on all the other things Sunday are for. Without further ado, Sundays are for:

  • Sleeping in (but not too late)
  • Church-going
  • Naps
  • Getting caught up (and maybe even -gasp- ahead on) schoolwork
  • Trying and going to new places
  • Movie-watching
  • Tidying up
  • Getting laundry done
  • Honing in on goals for next week
  • Refocusing
  • Brainstorming
  • Writing letters
  • Downloading music
  • Reading a book for personal enjoyment
  • Going to the store
What are your Sundays for?

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  1. Anonymous9/26/2011

    totally agree with all this Sunday things! <3


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Arkansas Women Bloggers



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