About Blog: Blogger's Block

July 06, 2012

About Blog is a series of posts/articles about blogging, the blog world, and online things in general. Read my previous About Blog post about 'capturing a blogger's life: where showing and doing meet' in the blog world here.

Being a blogger, have you ever felt like you've run out of good ideas? Though this doesn't happen often to me (I usually have way too many half finished ideas in my head at one time), there are times I look at my blog schedule for the next week or month and am horrified by all the days that I still have yet to fill with a blog post idea of some sort. Sometimes I stare at the days and I'm blank. It feels like I'm out of good ideas or I'm not inspired enough to concoct anything semi-new and original that anyone would want to potentially read about.

Being a blogger there's always a little back-ended nagging stress related to keeping your blog fresh, unique, exciting, and honest all at the same time. You want to be personal and inspirational. You want to let readers in and excite them with what you post (or garner some sort of positive response). Am I right? I know that's how I feel personally. I want to make someone laugh, feel inspired, or perhaps uplifted and involved.

So when I see the holes I have left to fill, I am straight up HORRIFIED. My thought process goes a little like, "Why can't I think of anything? Maybe I could skip the day? Ugh...but I hate doing that. Random images...go on the hunt for random images! No - don't do that. Random images are essentially fillers...ahhhh. Get it together Ashlee. Think - You need inspiration and substance. Be cool. DAMN IT. Still blank."

I know it's okay to have a little blogger's block ever now and again (and it's perfectly okay to skip days and give yourself breaks), but that doesn't make it easy to do. I don't like to skip unless there's a good reason. I'm very dedicated, committed even, to posting new content every day. It's been a goal of mine to become a more consistent blogger. At the same time, I do believe in quality over quantity. No use in posting useless fillers. I don't like to post them and readers are disinterested in them, so it's really a lose-lose situation.
Blogger's block, much like writer's block, is easily overcome with time (whether it be a couple hours, a day, or perhaps weeks). All it takes is one good idea or hint of a spark of an idea and then there's something to develop and work on. It can be that simple, really. Take inspiration from the online community, but don't forget to take inspiration from the world around you first. Some of my best ideas / inspiration cultivate when I'm miles from my computer. I'm always trying to put experiences into words and I find myself trying to write and visualize posts in my head far before they become realities.

My advice (though I'm certainly no expert), is to plan and first get on a blogging schedule you're entirely committed to (whether it be posting every day or once a week). At college, I had a much busier load and a lot less free time. Most weeks I could only manage on average 2-3 posts. Do what's the easiest and most fulfilling to yourself because that will garner the right type of tone, quality, and readership you hope to achieve. Never stop thinking or dreaming bigger than what you're presently capable of. I have ideas stored up for posts that I can't currently achieve, but want to one day work towards. It's motivation and inspiration all in one. Take time away from the computer and brainstorm like no tomorrow. Just write down potential posts and go through and keep developing until you're satisfied.

I have a long way to go and a lot of growth left as blogger, but I'm planning and taking cues from the blog world (and the real world) each day so that hopefully I can grow and so can my blog in a way that's exciting and fulfilling.

Here's to all the amazing bloggers out there combating that blogger's block day after day!  

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  1. This is so good! You worded this so perfectly to describe the exact feelings I get with blogging a lot of the time. Your totally right to just go out and live for inspiration, instead of getting in front of your computer and trying to throw together something fabulous at the last minute

  2. Great read. Good idea to plan a schedule but if it's not working why not just post less.


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