Currently: September Favorites + Updates
September 28, 2016Another month has come, nearly gone, and there is much to talk about. The first day of fall was last Thursday and I feel confident that as the days in September become numbered, the last stubborn days of summer weather will fizzle out. The days have been ricocheting between warm/muggy and cool/crisp. Naturally, this is par for the course when it comes to living in the South.
However, yesterday was truly the first cool day. I walked out on my lunch break and I was surprised to find that I wasn't immediately paralyzed by heat. The weather was so sunny and temperate, that I couldn't help but plaster a permanent smile on my face for the length of my break. We slept with the windows open last night because of how wonderfully cool it was and our outdoor cat lingered indoors just a little longer past his dinner for extra snuggles once the sun went down. I also received a package yesterday from Candelles with two pumpkin scented candles that only made me more excited for chilly days spent cooking, cuddling, and watching football. This morning, I could see my breath as we locked the door, longingly bid adieu to the cat, and loaded up the car. I can feel change in the air as readily as ever and it's excitingly palpable.
My boyfriend and I have really been concentrating on cooking more and eating in. Not only is it a huge money saver, it allows us to eat "better." I say "better" because it's not like we're only whipping up healthy things at home (pasta and mashed potatoes still make their guest appearances), but we definitely are eating more veggies and less processed/fried/fast food type of things. I can definitely tell that I feel better when we eat in. Pinterest has been a great friend to us for recipe inspiration and meal planning.
I've also decided to cut way back on dairy products. I don't know that I could be 100% dairy free, but cutting back from eating it multiple times daily in different forms is sure to help me feel better. I made this decision after suffering through a week and a half of a stomach ache I couldn't quite shake on top of severe lethargy. After taking a hard look at what I was eating day in and day out (cereal with whole milk, tea and coffee with cream, yogurt as a snack, ice-cream as a dessert, cheese on everything...), I easily pinpointed the culprit. It is discouraging to cut out something you genuinely love to eat, but I think back to that unshakeable stomach ache and I remember why I'm cutting back to begin with. So far, it's been a fairly successful endeavor. I've been loving coconut milk as a replacement to dairy milk, avocados on salads/sandwiches, apples for a filling fall treat, and gluten/dairy free bread.
I've been watching the latest season of American Horror Story each week and am cautiously enjoying it. My boyfriend has finally jumped aboard the AHS train this season because he likes the fact that it's being told like a true crime documentary show, which is something I've had mixed feeling about. I'm not hooked just yet, but I figure one more episode may get me there. It's just creepy enough for me not to want to watch it after sundown.
I've also been rehashing True Blood via HBO GO in my spare time. I'm on Season 6 and have been enjoying it a lot the second time through, despite the over-affected accents and borderline annoying main characters (looking at you Bill and Sookie).
I've been reading Skin Cleanse by Adrina Grigore and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I've been trying to incorporate more natural choices into my skin, makeup, body, household care routines. It's been a slow process, but I've started replacing my "bad" products with "better" ones. I've swapped my foundation, shampoo, makeup remover, and night cream and this book was one of the main catalysts for the change (in addition to a lot of research, blogger recs, youtube videos, and apps along the way). I seriously recommend it and I definitely suggest seeing if your local library has it so that you can read it for free!
Listening To:
Young Bodies by Seawolf, Bright Lights by Sløtface, Spirits by The Strumbellas, and so many more from my Fall/Winter playlist on Spotify.
My wardrobe has been in a steady state of disarray as I've slowly started pulling fall items out of storage and mixing them in with summer, so I can't quite comment. However, I did score two pairs of jeans from Old Navy this past month, a lighter flare jean and a classic darker rinse skinny that I've been loving. It's amazing what new jeans that actually fit will do for your confidence.
Makeup wise, I've been wanting to simplify and get back to my roots. I've been focusing on neutral/bright eyes and a soft wash of color on the lips. I don't want anything too fussy these days and love makeup that looks "natural" and lived in. This preferred look may also be because I've been doing my makeup in the car most mornings or putting the finishing touches on during my lunch break. I need something quick and effective. My favorites have included Lipstick Queen's Lipstick in Medieval, 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Healthy Foundation in Sand, The 35F Palette from Morphe, and Wet 'n Wild Come Correct Concealer in Medium Golden (seriously a dupe for Tarte's Creaseless Concealer).
A hair cut. I haven't had a hair cut in nearly a year, mostly because I had a terrible hair cut experience the time before my last. My hair was chopped into crazy stair step layers (the shortest layer being WAY too short) and the "ombre" was erratically played highlights that turned a particularly awful shade of orange-yellow. We had to cut off way more to get most of the color out and tone the rest down twice to get something that was caramel-esque. To say I haven't fully recovered from the awful experience is an understatement. I seriously don't know who to trust to do my hair, but I'm taking the plunge this upcoming month because my ultra long hair has become a hassle to maintain. Fingers crossed! I'm loving this style, this style, and this one too for my new chop!
I've haven't been coveting too much this month, but the following are a few that stand out...this luxe agenda, this inspirational book, this eco-chic subscription box, and these chic booties!
What have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below!
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